Do you have your Valentine’s Day plans laid out? If not, Minerva’s got your back. Here are a few of our ‘tried and true’ favorite florists in DFW.
Florists We Love
1. Dirt
We cannot get enough of Dirt Flowers. Each arrangement is artful and whimsical. They have truly cornered the market on design.
2. Earth Blooms
(214) 823-6222
Earth Blooms is an oldy but a goody located on Greenville Avenue. Founder and designer, Cathy is a true bohemian artist. Whether you need the perfect arrangement for your valentine or you are planning a wedding with a flair, Earth Blooms is a great spot for you.
3. Dr. Delphinium
Old Faithful. Dr. Delphinium is your go-to for a consistent quality arrangement with flowers that will last. Every order is just as you viewed it online with the best flowers you can buy from around the world.
4. Yaya
And of course our favorite florist is our Founders’ mother, Lori Elsey, known as Yaya. She brings together the best of everything with thoughtful design in a lush garden style using the best flowers Dallas has to offer. Her gift baskets are the best in Dallas and reflect the very essence of who she is caring about each and every detail and tailoring the gift to the recipient making each and every one feel special.
Here are a few arrangements she has done us: