Business Lessons Learned from the Olympic Games: Stories Matter

[blockquote text=’Here’s to the Olympic competitors that have triumphed through great adversity, who have faced defeat and who have gotten up each day to start again with renewed vigor. We will be watching. We will be cheering you on. We will be captivated by your stories, we will feel your losses and we will celebrate your wins. We share the belief that it is never too late to dream. Let the games begin!’ quote_author=’Vonda Dyer | Minerva Consulting’ text_color=” width=” background_color=” border_color=”]

1. Stories Matter

Whether it’s a commercial about an Olympic athlete’s victory over defeat, their breakfast cereal, or daily workout routine, we are compelled to enter into these Olympic stories before the games ever begin. If you are a business with a great product, an amazing service, or a niche that meets a need in today’s fast paced world, your story precedes your business. With the emergence of vast social media outlets, getting your story out to the masses is easier today than any other time in history. Tell your story well, so that your audience can engage and benefit from the unique contribution you bring to your industry and your world.

Lindsey Van, a US Women’s Ski Jumper, fought to get her event into the Olympics. She also showed great character by becoming a bone marrow donor when she learned her friend had leukemia. Her sport is in the 2014 Sochi Olympics largely due to her efforts and she is favored to win a medal.

Lindsey Van tackles all obstacles in her way – NBC Video