4 Small Wins in Social Media That Are Actually Big Wins

The life of a social media manager is a constant roller coaster of emotions, news and memes. Those big moments where you’ve executed the perfect news-hacking tweet or you’ve wrapped up successful client’s contest can be far and few between. The key to a sane and exciting life in social is to focus on the smaller, but still important, wins.

1. You wake up in the morning to see that Facebook post that you rewrote six times had over 50 shares.


2. Getting retweeted by an unexpected celebrity that’s passionate about one of your nonprofit client’s cause.


3. You’re at a staff meeting and everyone loves your idea about utilizing Tumblr for business.


4. When your client has absolutely zero edits on your social calendar for the next week.



That’s it for now, friends. Until next time 🙂
