Minerva is Internationally Recognized with Three AVA Awards


DALLAS, February 6, 2015 – AVA Digital Awards honored Minerva Consulting’s creative client work with a Platinum Award for its inspirational look at Petroleum Equipment & Services Association (PESA) with the video entitled We Are PESA and two Gold Awards for its website designs for PESA and Dallas Women’s Foundation’s BestSelfChallenge.com.

“We are ecstatic and humbled to receive recognition for work we believe in,” said Ashley Elsey, co-founder at Minerva Consulting. “PESA and Dallas Women’s Foundation presented very different opportunities to both educate people, and help influence a new way of thinking. We are grateful to have the trust of our clients, as we create integrated campaigns, including websites and videos, in order to fully tell their stories and spread their message.”

PESA’s video and website give an overview of what the organization stands for — the unified voice for organizations of the energy industry, advocating and supporting continued achievements in job creation, technological innovation and economic stability. The Dallas Women’s Foundation Best Self Challenge microsite is one that engages with women and girls of all ages encouraging them to change the meaning of selfie by posting a message or photo on social media answering the question, “What’s your best self?”

There were about 2,100 entries from throughout the United States, Canada and several other countries in the 2015 competition. Winners were selected from over 200 categories in audio, video and web-based production. Minerva’s work was among the top 14 percent of entries selected for the Platinum Award, the organization’s top honor and of the top 16 percent to win Gold. A list of Platinum and Gold Winners can be found on the AVA Digital Awards website.

About AVA Digital Awards
AVA Digital Awards is an international competition that recognizes excellence by creative professionals responsible for the planning, concept, direction, design and production of digital communication. Work ranges from digital engagement campaigns – to audio and video production – to website development – to social media interaction – to mobile marketing. Judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence.

AVA Digital Awards is sponsored and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). The international organization consists of several thousand production, marketing, communication, advertising, public relations and free-lance professionals. AMCP administers recognition programs; provides judges and rewards outstanding achievement and service to the profession. As a part of its mission, AMCP fosters and supports the efforts of creative professionals who contribute their unique talents to public service and charitable organizations.

About Minerva Consulting
Minerva Consulting is a marketing and communications consulting firm, headquartered in Richardson, TX. Family-owned and -operated since 2003, Minerva is led by sisters Ashley Elsey and Jesse Ihde, who have served at the highest levels in corporate America and the nonprofit community, working directly with world leaders, CEOs and entrepreneurs. From marketing strategy to public relations and social media to live events, graphic design and websites, Minerva focuses on integrated solutions for its clients. For more information, visit Minervaco.com, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Google+.