communications evolution is on
[blockquote text=’You say you want a revolution…well, you know…we all want to change the world.’ quote_author=’The Beatles’ text_color=” width=” background_color=” border_color=”] The Digital Revolution hit and we are living through its evolution. The impact of social media on ALL communications both online and offline is irreversible. While platforms are evolving, the reasons why you communicate […]
caring reaches the bottom line
How do you connect a culture of compassion for your employees to the bottom line? We recently wrapped a project for a billion dollar organization with several thousand employees nationwide whose leadership deeply cares about their people and the organizational culture in which they ask them to operate. And knows that valued employees are hard […]
pretty Is as pretty does
As my mama has ALWAYS said, “pretty is as pretty does.” It played in the back of my head all growing up…pretty comes from your substance not from your veneer. Today on Copyblogger (we are groupies), a great piece on content marketing reinforced this point. It’s worth preaching to the rooftops. It’s about your “inside.” Design is cool, […]
mission: critical
A growing non-profit recently reached out to engage us in developing a framework around telling their expansion story. To start, I asked them to send me their current communications strategy. What I got was a tactical template listing out the tools they use to communicate (web, social media, face to face, etc.) and their current […]
explore, dream, discover
Today is the National Day of Encouragement. As our country continues to heal from the tragedy of 9/11, it is fitting that we honor the best in each other and our way of life. Celebrate the dreamers, the risk takers, the innovators, the warriors; those that see the possibility and seize the opportunity. As you […]
conventions and a story worth telling
[blockquote text=’Behind every small business, there’s a story worth telling.’ quote_author=’Paul Ryan’ text_color=” width=” background_color=” border_color=”] Regardless of your political affiliation, that is a statement everyone can agree with. Each of us, including our companies, have a story that is not only worth telling, but has an audience waiting to hear it. The term marketing […]
harness your olympic moment
I, along with several million others, have enjoyed the Olympics running ALL day. I could not help but stay inspired and engaged. The stories of hard work, dedication, perseverance and relentless practice kept me riveted. When the national anthem came on, I cried like a baby, especially when the USA athletes mouth the words. And […]
light the fire
Working with companies to help shape their brand voice, their strategy and their story has always lit my fire. That’s a huge part of why I started Minerva Consulting back in 2003, as I believed I could funnel this passion into an enterprise. This has got to be one of the most exciting times to […]
minerva founder ashley elsey gets back to business
After taking leave to serve President George W. Bush as the Vice President of Marketing and Communications at the Bush Center, Ashley Elsey has returned to Minerva Consulting. You may not know the history of our business, but in 2003, Ashley founded Minerva Consulting after leading a Public Affairs team at Verizon where she created […]
finding your difference
In all of the noise and pull on your business to post this, tweet that, write this, share that, the ability to focus is a continuous challenge. How do you filter through all the distraction and find the strategy that works for you? In truth, little has changed. The mediums are different but the fundamentals […]